Adriel Kim holding a large catfish
University of Virginia Student, graduating May 2022
Welcome to my page! My primary interests are in product and application development. Through my experiences, I've gained skills in developing and deploying front-end web applications, APIs, and databases. I'm well-versed in a variety of programming languages and technologies such as Python, JavaScript, React, and AWS services. As a software engineer, I'm motivated by opportunities to solve immediate, real-world problems.

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Work Experiences

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University of Virginia - FloodWatch Project Research AssistantAs part of the FloodWatch team, I'm primarily focusing on developing the front-end and API for the FloodWatch progressive web application (PWA). With this application, users can upload reports of nearby floods, which are stored in an Amazon DynamoDB database, to notify other users of the flooding situation in real ...
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Curiosity Stream - Software Engineering InternAt Curiosity Stream, I worked as a team lead and developer for an advanced tagging system to solve the problem of low-quality tagging and poor discoverability of media. My task was to develop an internal web application that would provider greater assistance for the tagger. This was accomplished with features ...
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Brave Virtual Worlds - Web Development InternI developed a motion data visualization dashboard and a message/chat system for Brave Virtual World's web platform. This platform will be used to allow coaches and physical therapists analyze athlete performance and determine ways it can be improved. In addition, this platform enables communication with a coach and all his/her ...
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University of Virginia - Undergraduate Parallel Computing ResearcherUsing performance profiling tools such as cProfile and KCachegrind, I identified areas of the code base in need of GPU optimization. I identified an image processing step, called brighter-fatter correction, which would significantly benefit from GPU optimization. Using CUDA C++, NVIDIA libraries and parallel programming techniques, I implemented the function ...


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EcoDashEcoDash is a platform for gamifying the reduction of energy usage on university grounds. Every year, first-year dorms at UVA compete to use the least amount of energy. However, there was no way to view real-time progress as the competition progressed. EcoDash provides a real-time leaderboard of buildings racing to ...
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Personal WebsiteThis website was built from scratch using Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. The main challenge with this project was learning TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript with types and interfaces. I chose TypeScript for this project soley for the purpose of learning it, and now I love it even more ...
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Library AppThe Google Books API is an amazing resource for finding books of all kinds. However, the Google Books search service is not very appealing by today's standards. I wanted to make my own version of the service with a more mondern and functional user-interface. With my web app, one can ...
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School DashboardAs part of a team of 4, I lead and developed a mock full-stack school dashboard application that can be used by administrators to manage every aspect of a high school. I've also implemented basic authentication for this website, which only allows logged-in users to view and modify the website's ...
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PhysioDashAs part of a team of 4, I contributed to the development of a health/fitness web application which can be used to keep track of home workout progress through a webcam. This app used the open source Mediapipe pose classifier which we trained on video data of various exercises we ...
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COVID-19 Data AnalysisUsing COVID-19 time-series, I developed visualizations that answered questions such as 'Which days are you most at risk of getting COVID?', and I created a function that plotted time-series data given a specific U.S. state. Using COVID-19 related Twitter data, I filtered out data mentioning President Trump to analyze how ...
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CapTech Data ChallengeAs part of a team of 4, I lead a data analysis project to determine which was the best state for us to live and work after graduation. I used Python to do our initial exploration on demographic data across the country in addition to California data from California Open ...